Bit coins created 8 year ago in 3 January 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto, and now 1 Bitcion is 3763.43$ and in Indian ₹ it is 244152.52!.
Bitcion is a one currency that cannot be controlled by any Government in the world, this currency is a Decentralized currency it is not bind to any place or particular geographic location, it is a virtual currency, and this is a cryptocurrency this means it is one of a digital medium of exchange this cryptocurrency is have a key like public and private keys to transactions.
Bitcion is a one of currency that created by Satoshi but this currency accepted by a group of people who believe this is a one type of currency and they can accept it while doing online transaction and Bitcion not have any physical existence it is digital currency, you store Bitcion in digital form and you can transact online with Bitcion.
Now in a world the Bitcion availability is limited, so if you plan to earn Bitcion either you can buy Bitcions you have to convert your Currency in to Bitcion or Doing Bitcion mining, Bitcion mining is one kind of a middle men work, this work is to approve Bitcion transactions between 2 party.
Any 2 party's wanted do a transaction in a Bitcion and they hire a middle men to approve them they are real and approved party's, because in online transaction fraud can be made easier so middle men work is to check the 2 party's true existence, and if transaction complete then Minier or middle men get some Bitcions as a reward from both parties.
And this is 2 way to earn Bitcion if you want to invest in Bitcion then it is too risky because it is not controlled by any authority, so it's price can be fluctuate than any currency.
And if you want to became Minier of Bitcion then you need power full systems to verify party's and transaction you need power full GPU instead CPU.
And Bitcion small parts called as Santoshi, and you can transact or invest Bitcions from 0.00000001 Bitcions, and Bitcions can't be generated easly. And now available Bitcion are limited like now in the world my be 21 millon or billion Bitcion are available only.
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